Propertify Me Buyers Agent assist you in purchasing property to fit your requirements in the least possible time and at the best possible price in all areas of Melbourne and Gold Coast. We do all the research, negotiations and hard work for you, leaving out all the frustration, hassle and disappointment that you would normally experience if on your own.

We genuinely and exclusively work for the property and business buyers to achieve the best outcome for the buyers. Our undivided attention and dedicated focus is on the buyers in the property transaction process.

From sourcing properties to evaluating, negotiating and acquiring, we do it all for the buyers in the least possible time and the best possible price. Whether you are local, interstate or overseas we have effective processes and strategies developed to make sure we achieve your buying preferences and goals.

Our extensive network and partnerships not only put us in preferred position with many industry professionals but our strategic tools and knowledge gives us the negotiating grounds to secure a reasonable price as well. We often have access to a reasonable number of properties even before they hit the market including off-market properties that are never advertised for various reasons. 

With us you are bound to achieve the best outcome in your property or business buying process. 

The process of securing a property that also ticks all the boxes, including a good buying price, is daunting, immensely time consuming and of course drains one out of all the energy. 

We have helped clients who have had no luck even after having spent in excess of 6 months or in most cases totalling more than 300 hours of searching, investigating, negotiating and evaluating properties. Propertify Me Buyers Agent is your guardian angel that will help you find the best property at the best possible price in the least possible time.

We work for the buyers and we work hard for you because we are on the Buyers’ side! Our job is to achieve the best outcome for you, not the Seller.

Our expertise is in identifying wise property purchases. We do all the hard work for you and provide you with reliable research-based advice that will enable you to make a confident decision based on accurate and recent market intelligence.

We are completely independent of all selling agents, property developers, vendors and property marketers and works purely for the buyer.


Purchasing a property is most probably going to be the biggest financial decision you ever make and there is potential of making huge mistakes, why risk getting it wrong?

Our Buyers Agent service is the right choice for you because we –

  • Are experienced, fully qualified, licensed and Specialist Buyers Agents
  • Completely independent and unbiased
  • Will always act in your best interests
  • Specialise in buying property in the Melbourne Metropolitan area
  • Have access to properties that will NOT be available to the general public.
  • Are experienced in dealing with all methods of sale
  • Will make sure that you find the ideal property to suit your requirements at the right price
  • Will communicate with the selling agents on your behalf, at all times
  • Will negotiate the best purchase price on your behalf to ensure you never pay more than the actual value of a property